Featured in Canvas Rebel Magazine
Tiera, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Let’s start with the decision of whether to donate a percentage of sales to an organization or cause – we’d love to hear the backstory of how you thought through this.
I have donated hundreds of journals to the women’s shelters in my community. Watered Flowers represents women who have faced extreme obstacles and our journals gives them the tools, resources and encouragement to overcome any and everything they’ve gone through. I chose to donate some of our journals because I want every women to have the answer to her plight. I want them to know they are not stuck where they are, but that they can still grow, still pursue their dreams in spite of what they have and could be facing.
Our Purpose
Watered Flowers was created to uplift, encourage and inspire through stationary products! Our primary focus is self-love, self-care and positive growth while overcoming life’s obstacles. Our unique planners also help to keep things on track and encourages you to not only grow but to do it with purpose and a plan. We have products tailored to every woman and young girl that wants to grow through life and become the best that they can be!